Eglise Royale Sainte-Marie, or in English St. Mary’s Church is located in the municipality of Schaarbeek. Built in 1845 it is somewhat of an oddity since it’s the only Romanesque-Byzantine style church in Brussels. The architect Louis Van Overstraeten who designed it found inspiration from the Basilica di San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy.
Approaching the church from rue Royale
Right in Front of it
A view of the many towers
The impressive dome has been decorated with stars
From the side
Large back tower
directly from the back
1 comment
Dear Sir, Madam,
Having lived in the quarter, I think it is a lovely church and I would imagine has played a part in attracting Turks to the area because of its byzantine style. I can t understand how they could have let the inside go to waste considering there are two major art schools in the vicinity I am sure they could have enlisted the help of students in restoring it. I am sure there is funding for these churches of heritage.
Moira King