The Brussels Jazz Marathon 2008 just ended this week-end for its 13th consecutive edition. 125 concerts were spread out from Friday to Sunday through outdoor stages for the biggest venues and the remaining larger portion indoors of around 50 bars, pubs and cafés of Brussels. And best of All it’s once again 100% FREE… Here are some pictures of Saturday’s evening.
Horse pulled buggy behind the Bourse
Place Sainte-Catherine
Marc Lelangue Trio
The crowd gathered Place Sainte-Catherine
Some of the many joyful Jazz festival goers
At the Grand Place the Laurent Doumont Soul Band
View of the Grand Place and its Brussels Jazz Marathon stage
Here come the horns
Pleased public
Place du Sablon with The Night Crowd Blues Band
The crowd at Place du Sablon
Tropa bar with Leo and the lunar tiki
Arriving at the Live Music Cafe
Featuring Kalema and K-Tribe
Pure Bar with K-Bonus
More of Léo and the Lunar Tiki’s at The Tropa Disco Bar
Les photos des Lunar Tiki's ont été prises durant le sound check vers 20h45 . Nous jouons au Tropa Bar tous les mois , prochains concerts le 27 Juin , puis après les vacances le 8 Aout et le 5 Septembre
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As it is moderated I will be able to write it in english
Pictures of the Lunar Tiki's are taken from the sound check at about 20h45 . We play regularly at the Tropa , next one on June 27th
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The Tropa Bar which I was going to for the first time looks like a very nice place for an intimate set with the performing artists. From personal knowledge it's the only Filipino ran joint of this sort in Brussels and surely will be back for more fun. Great atmosphere and people with a lot of expats, closest I've felt from actually being in the Philippines.
Last but not least Leo and the lunar tiki's sure seems to be a local band worth giving a try if you're looking of a live gig in the city. Hopefully next time I won't have to be in many places at once 🙂 I did come back but everything was over by then.
PS: I Added three more photos of the lunar tiki's
Thanks Vince for the pictures & revue … it's a pitty you've missed our sets -we played untill about one 'o' clock -hope to sioux soon at one of our gigs … as Simon said we play regulary at The TROPA BAR but also elsewhere for example at The CHURCHILL's pub (near Place de la Monnaie) on 20 september and try to renew our sets with new original Rock songs and some classic soul covers each time we play in the Center of Brussels….check it out
My camera kinda crapped out on me a bit later that evening (gladly its a minor thing fixed). The initial plan was to be back after checking out a few other gigs.. But since it wasn't working anymore and I didn't want to carry the dead weight around I decided drop it home, come back & let the beer flow, enjoying my time but that delay screwed up my schedule.
Be sure I'll check it out next time!
Hy Vince,
Next gig at the Tropa is approaching , hopt you can come over on Friday 27th June at the Tropa and with a fixed camera too!
Hello Simon,
Seems I can't be there this time around. If nothing changes I am going to have to work. Guess I'll have to wait for the next one of your gigs.
Hello Vince,
We play often in Brussels so you might see us on following dates:
8 August Tropa Bar
5 September Torpa Bar
20 September Churchills
3 Octobre Tropa Bar
16 Octobre La Porte Noire
7 Novembre Tropa Bar
15 Novembre The Grizzly (Waterloo)
And maybe at the Live Music Cafe once.