Today on the 21st of July, being the Belgian National Day for those who might not know. I headed to the Parc de Bruxelles in the centre of Brussels for the military parade, that takes place every year in front of the Belgian King and the government. Here are some pictures from the Défilé Militaire du 21 Juillet.
Location of the Belgian National Day Parade :
Photos Défilé Militaire du 21 Juillet:
Royal Mounted Escort
Young child in the crowd

Escorte Royale à cheval
Détachement stage de jeunes auprès des musiques royales de la Défense (Youth group following a musical training course by the army).

Détachement du Corps royal des Cadets de Marine (Air Cadets).

Un détachement de Cadets de l’Air de Belgique (Sea Cadets)

La Musique royale de la Force Aérienne (Belgian Royal Air Force Music).

Police doing crowd management

Policemen on bikes

Détachement Operation KFOR (Veterans of KFOR mission)
Détachement Operation ISAF (Veterans of ISAF mission)

Détachement École Royale des sous officiers ( Non-comissioned officers Students from Royal Military Academy).

Détachements d’élèves officiers de l’ERM.

Students officers from Royal Military Academy
Porte étendarts
Détachement États membres de l’Otan (Members of NATO Detachment)
Nato Members Detachment

Détachement de la composante marine (Navy Forces Detachment)

Détachement de la composante Terre (Land Forces Detachment)

Détachement de la composante Air (Air Forces Detachment)

Camouflage Pandur Recce vehicle
Heavy Duty gun

Camouflaged Iltis jeep

French troops

Troupes Française

Machine gunner

Light Multirole Vehicule (LMV)
Police Quick Reaction Force Team

It was a great day and those are very nice pictures. Have you also got the pictures of European Police Forces? I am very interested to see them as we were part of the defile. Regards from Poland!
Greetings my Polish friend,
Glad to hear you enjoyed taking part in the 2010 edition of the parade! I am afraid I don't have the pictures of the European Police Forces as I wasn't able to attend this year. The pictures shown here are from 2009..