For more than 200 years now the monks in the Abbey of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Westmalle have been brewing the famous Westmalle Triple beer. With a high alcohol content of 9% combined with a good mix of hops and malt it is absolutely a delight to drink. Once poured it reveals a lovely cloudy golden yellow/orange color and its foam is smooth but steady, giving an impression of calm… A strong taste of alcohol strengthens its fruity aroma. It also has excellent digestive qualities. Above is a picture of me enjoying one at home showing it’s bottle.
A freshly poured Westmalle Tripel in A la Bécasse café of Brussels

These Bronzes Statues of young girls are found in front of the Charlemagne building which is one of the many the European Union Institutions of Brussels. They were made by sculptor René Julien in 1998. Located right next to the Shuman subway station at 170 Rue de la Loi.
The set of bronze sculptures in their entirety
The statue to the right is called L’espérance (Hope)
L’oiseleuse et La copine au chapeau
I haven’t found any information anywhere about the last two sets
La maison communale d’Anderlecht or in English the Anderlecht Town hall was completed in 1879. It was built according to the plans of Architect Van Ysendijck in Flemish neo-Renaissance style and is located at 1 Place du Conseil, 1070 Brussels.
Frontal view of the Anderlecht Town hall
Just under the buildings tower

The main entrance from the interior
The room where the elected members meetings take place.
Tower from another side

The Cat on a bike is a sculpture made by artist Alain Séchas entitled “La Cycliste” that was ordered by the city of Brussels in 2005 for the sum of 100 000 €. It can be found just in front of the Galeries Royales on the corner of rue Montagne-aux-Herbes-Potagères.