Like most well kept secrets A l’Imaige Nostre-Dame is not easy to find and one would need to be really lucky to simply stumble into it. Located at the end of a long and narrow alleyway it is one of the oldest cafés of Brussels. Having a unique and authentic feeling to it, this pub has had the chance to retain its original decor and boats a very friendly atmosphere with its share of regulars, merrymaking students and the occasional tourist.
Look for the A l’Imaige Nostre-Dame estaminet entrance sign
Take the alleway all the way down until you seen light again
You’ll reach the entrance of the A l’Imaige Nostre-Dame pub
View from the main room as you enter where the bar section is
The room in the back with some students having a drink
University students often come to this café and the bartender has been made their honorary Godfather with all the official gear.
View from the bar
More students arriving for some refresments
Sitting at the bar having a look at that colorful student cap