You could pass by the shapeless building of the Parking 58 hundreds of times without even noticing it. Though the structure is uninteresting by itself it does have a surprise in store for those looking to get a free panoramic view from high up of the city of Brussels. All you need to do is take the elevator to the last open floor to get a superb view over Brussels from all sides. Open daily from 7am until 1am (or 2am Friday and Saturday).
The Parking 58 was demolished in 2017
View in direction of the Basilica of Brussels seen way in the back
The baroque tower of the Church St. Catherine
Part of Church St. Catherine with Marché au Poissons on ground level
The tower from another angle
The Grand place at a distance with its town hall tower
Closer look at the tower
Street leading to the Nord section of Brussels
Few more views of Brussels