The Charles Karel Buls statue is found at the Agora Square right next to the rue du marché aux herbes. It’s a memorial in the honor of Charles Buls who was mayor of Brussels from 1881 until 1899. He is remembered most of all today for his fight to vote laws to preserve and fund the restoration some of the best known jewels of the city like the Grand Place that are now considered a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Zinneke Pis which can be found at the corner of rue des Chartreux and rue du Vieux-Marché is a little bronze statue of a dog peeing. In Brussels dialect the word “Zinneke” would mean bastard dog. it’s the latest (1998) of the three peeing statues that you can find at a short distance from one another in the center of Brussels. The most famous is the Manneke pis little boy statue dating back from 1619 which attracts the brunt of the tourists followed by the little girl one Jeanneke Pis erected in 1987.
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